*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

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My Collective Religious Experience

Greetings to you! It is nice to be with you again. We have another 'controversial' topic to discuss this morning. It's all about the quest for 'happiness' in life and marriage today. On a continual basis. Which I believe in general, without a religious philosophy 'cannot' happen! When I was young, and in high-school I went to every scientific meeting that was offered to students on a variety of subjects. I always wanted to be a professional scientist. And I thought I'd be happy doing that for a living. But the question this morning is: "Will what I do, make me happy?" (For instance, my Job) That's the $64,000 dollar question! And my answer is a collective no!' With my collective religious training, I want to be sure, I am saying the right things!

How many of you think what you do in life (for a living) should make you happy? Many of you will say 'yes!' I think doing the job (itself) is only a slight part of what you're looking for. 95% of your job wants you to satisfy its needs to compete in some kind of business market. And your personal emotions have little to do with its success! But everyone still 'somehow' wants to be happy, whatever the cost! This is why divorce rates are listed at almost 50%! Every man/woman (worth their salt) wants to be responsible for his/her spouse and family. No one wants to hear; 'he/she can't pay the rent' because they want to be 'happy?' with their job? All kidding aside, this is the wrong attitude in life's responsible bid for family sustenance, pride, and protection!

But this thought 'carries over' into our daily lives as an example of normal intentions. We are setting ourselves up for an eventual fall into the world's oblivion of personal desires! One of the biggest problems is the fact that many people 'try' to fit into places, they're not 'designed' to fill! Some people cannot fit into all situations. In short, some fields may not 'ultimately' suit your, 'religiosity or personal countenance!' Many will say, 'religiosity?' I don't have that one! … Yes, you do! This is part of the in-depth personality of complete satisfaction!

I'm not known as a religious scholar, but I know 'a few things' about religion! I have a rather large collection of "Holy Scriptures" written by acclaimed authors. I have a great many Known' religious books. However, I will list only a small number of the more familiar books, that billions still follow: Starting with: "The Holy Bible, (many Catholic and Protestant editions) The Book of Mormon, The Book of Enoch, The Torah, The Talmud, The Holy Quran, The Mahabharata, The Ramayana, The Vedic Scriptures, The Upanishads, The Bhagavad Gita, The Tripitaka, The Kojiki, The Tao te Ching, The Popol Vuh, The Guru Granth Sahib, and The Book of Confucianism."

I started to write a combined summary of these books about 30 years ago, until I realized (after many questions) that I was not qualified (at that time) to write about the 'world's' religious subjects 'quantitatively!'

I was a younger man at that time, with a limited experience with many people of unfamiliar races, colors, and traditions. I had not yet come to know and learn, that people who looked alike, could be so different in their lifestyles! I was thinking (at the time) that my thought process entitled me to pass a judgement on others as to why they (I presumed) appeared to be so different in their life-structures. I did not stop and realize that my thought processes at that time were so small (due to age and inexperience) that I could not write my religious summary conclusions accurately. So, I cancelled the writing, until now. (This is only a small sample)

I cancelled it because of my limited 'psychological' and life experience with foreigners and many others we only see on television. The Afrikaners, Greeks, and Indian people etc., are very unusual in some of their thinking processes compared to Americans. I could not make philosophical judgements for (or against) their actions without previously knowing the ramifications of religious journalism they rigidly adhere to.

If I tried to judge these people from my limited viewpoints (at that time) I would miss critical points I have since learned about. Understanding of the differences in human nature that I expected from various countries might be exposed. One of the things I would have to keep in mind was, I could not take a step forward, with my limited mental background, and then make a progressive religious determination on a completely 'unknown' people!

But I would like to remind my audience this morning, that once you understand the 'aura' of what you are stepping into, you cannot talk progressively, and still think as you did adolescently. So those of you, who are following what I say, cannot retrogress back into your previous thought processes. Now you can only go forward into a new and revised thought process that leaves behind old, outdated, processes that your Grandma used 80 years ago! The only problem with that thinking is when one decides to follow a "new' path, one has to 'reject' the 'old' one! One that has been comfortable (probably) for hundreds of years! But do you 'really' want to change?

The time 'might' have come to renew your previous spirit into a new revelation? One that comes to you, that must be satisfied now, even if one has to satisfy him/herself alone! One cannot base a totality only on a partial 'clothesline' perception! But now this 'new' understanding seems to be a fact! Many are running around today passing judgement on everyone else! But, 'Who' (at one time) told you that you are Lesbian, or gay? 'Who' told you, based on something you did, (in the past) that you are now, 'a this or a that?' 'Are you psychotic?'

Are they the 'immune' authority? Did you take their 'word' for it? Or did someone with a 'minimum' of information, resolve your entire life's mission? 'I hope not!' (Because they will try!) That's a 'clipboard" definition of a computerized list of information. If you've ever had a homosexual experience, … 'even in the light of that,' you still don't 'have' to be a Lesbian or Gay person! "Who told you that?" (Dr. Ishkibible?) Many 'heterosexual people' have had Lesbian and Gay experiences in their lives. But after listening to some of our 'Brain Extenuating' articles over the years, have now found themselves to be straight! "Please think for yourself!"

People want others to be what they have continually tried to make them. And perhaps that's something 'they used to be! And that's one operating blindly with a 'limited' adolescent background! I spoke to you at the beginning of this article about obtaining the ultimate in life's happiness! We should understand now that true happiness is based on personal security. In essence it is pure 'essentialism,' which is an attempt to attain a peaceful value in a now 'chaotic' world! But if we're not careful, the urge to find reason in this confused world could cause us to 'forget God' (or a higher power) and his 'inexplainable, inexhaustible,' all-seeing mercy!

In view of our quest for religious answers, after 30 years of growing and travelling, I view all major religions with an 'equal eye.' They have spread throughout humanity with an eye on the vulnerabilities contained in each set (or group) of people. Some of them are not scientifically traceable as to the time of founding. (Or beginning) But they are (in fact) traceable to language. As far as the sense of goodness and morality goes, I find them to be a good, moral influence. In that area, they are an "expert" in finding truth by example, and projected lifestyles. The major differences in practice come from rituals, language, and overall show implications. 'Respected' religions all pass.

From the aspect of 'emotional' feelings like "happiness," we must go even further into the 'transitory' temperament of the human 'Psyche!' The mind combines the actions of "The Hypothalamus, The Amygdala, The Striatum, The Pituitary Gland, and Brain Stem, for this 'molecular miracle.' This happens in excess of a million psychological waves. With a minimum of 27 unique emotional programs! (That many cannot understand!) But mental health goes a long way in determining the outcome of personal relationships.

This is why the divorce rate, and personal separations are so high today. While financial means may be adequate, there are thousands of other problems that can keep one unhappy for any number of reasons! (Some are self-created) For many of these problems it would take a very talented 'Psychiatrist' to determine a solution. But take your time and choose one of the listed books and read it. Perhaps choose from: 'The Holy Bible, The Torah, The Holy Quran, The Bhagavad Gita, The Tripitaka, The Book of Mormon, The Kojiki, The Guru Granth Sahib, or The Books of Confucianism. (Or one of the 'applicable' others not listed) I will not attempt to choose one for you. This article is read in over 100 countries, and in different languages. You must make that choice, 'yourself!'

God gives us an internal 'Blueprint' for 'every' life given. It is up to us to find-out what that is, and then fulfill it! Hormonal influences can interrupt anyone's life, but they must be 'ignored!' For all those that were 'engaged,' but didn't show-up for the ceremony? "Where were you?" "And, what 'shape' are you in now?" 'She/He may forgive you this time, and this time only!' You'd better call right 'now!' Hopefully, it's 'still'' not too late!

But for most of us, in our responsible lives at home and work, I believe, if you follow the instructions listed in 'your' particular religious book. It will make, (and keep) you and your spouse very 'Happy' in your chosen lifestyle. (Most of the time!) That is, if you will only, … 'give it a try!' The 'old' way, (it seems) just 'may' be the 'best' way, to raise your family, and 'live' your lives … 'together!' About my getting to know 'people?'

(For this brief article): To quote 'Mark Twain': 'Travel' is 'fatal' to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness! Peace, and stay well.

*Nothing is so fatal to religion than indifference* - Edmund Burke

All the Best,
Henri W. Tartt,
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (Retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Website:*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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